joi, 21 decembrie 2017

Lindsey Kustusch's Ravens

Lindsey Kustusch este o artistă americană care trăiește în San Francisco. A studiat la American Academy of Art in Chicago și la Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
A început prin a picta lucrări abstracte apoi s-a îndreptat către pictura figurativă, păstrând însă caracterul abstract pentru fundalul creațiilor sale. Pictează îndeosebi peisaje urbane și animale, nota distinctivă a picturilor sale fiind utilizarea cu precădere a nuanțelor de negru.
Iată câteva reprezentări ale picturilor sale cu unul din subiectele sale favorite, corbii:
 Lindsey Kustusch
 Lindsey Kustusch - (Commission), 2016, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - Calling, 2014, oil on panel
Lindsey Kustusch - Rise Above, 2016, oil on panel 
 Lindsey Kustusch
 Lindsey Kustusch - A Not So Common Raven, 2016, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - What is Gathered Will Disperse, 2014, oil on panel
Lindsey Kustusch - Secret Keepers 2017 
 Lindsey Kustusch - Raven in Blue, 2015, oil on pane
 Lindsey Kustusch - A Curious Silence, 2016, oil on panel
Lindsey Kustusch - A wildness Calls, oil on panel 
 Lindsey Kustusch - As the Light Lifted So Did the Raven,  2017
Lindsey Kustusch - Beside the Wilds, 2016, oil on panel 
 Lindsey Kustusch - From Her Perch, 2017, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - From the Darkness to Light, 2017, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - Holiding for Your Call, 2015, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - In the Wild Mormind Air 2017
 Lindsey Kustusch - Looking out from Underneath, 2015, oil on panel
Lindsey Kustusch - Only for a Moment, 2016, oil on panel 
Lindsey Kustusch - Residents of Seacrest Park, 2016, oil on panel 
 Lindsey Kustusch - Shades of Amber & Jade, 2016, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - The Common Crackle, 2016, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - The Lookout
Lindsey Kustusch - The Raven's Post, 2015, oil on panel 
 Lindsey Kustusch - Two Visitors, 2015, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - Untouched, 2015, oil on panel
 Lindsey Kustusch - What is Moving Will Be Still, 2014, oil on panel
Lindsey Kustusch - Winter's Ravens, 2015, oil on panel

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